California's Confirmed Haunted Cemeteries - Ghost Sightings, Apparitions & Paranormal Phenomena Confirmed
What's scarier at night than a graveyard? One that's haunted. Across California, there are numerous cemeteries that are believed to be haunted, where spirits reportedly lurk at night, and refuse to accept their grave as a final resting place. If you're feeling brave, you might want to go on a ghost tour of a local cemetery, where an expert can tell you all about the spirits that have been known to haunt your local graveyards, as well as the haunted history of the location.

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At this cemetery, apparitions have been captured in photos during the daylight hours and the sounds of people talking can be heard during the night. There are a ton of orphan children buried here and it has been said that you can hear them playing at night. Their tombstones read "baby" or just their first name. EVP's have been captured along with eerie paranormal photos. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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The story surrounding this cemetery says that in the 1800's, the town sweetheart was murdered and as punishment, her killer was burned alive in his home located across from the cemetery. Witnesses have reported loud, heavy footsteps in the cemetery. Another story states that if you place flowers on a certain child's grave, one who died on the same day as his father, the child's ghost... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery originally operated from 1865-1954 and suffered a ton of vandalism between the 1950's and 1970's. People have ran over graves and have stolen gravestones or knocked them off their bases. After being restored, headstones have been discovered and replaced in their proper spots. The grounds are said to be haunted by Sarah, the wife of town founder, Noah Nortan, and a midwife... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is believed to be haunted by The Pink Lady, a ghost who appears at night on June 15th each year. Stories say that on her prom night, she and her boyfriend were killed by a train nearby. She was apparently wearing a pink dress that night, which led to her nickname. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Stories say that the ghosts who haunt this cemetery may swipe your car keys. The area is rumored to be haunted by Charlotte Sitton, a minister's wife who committed suicide in 1890 when she was just 19 years old. Her spirit is said to visit late Friday nights wearing a white nightgown. She lays flowers on the grave of her child, who died of diphtheria. In some versions of the story,... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Locals tell the story of a beautiful woman who drowned her six children years ago, and that she now haunts the area around this cemetery. She is known in Hispanic Legend as La Llorona, or the Weeping Woman, doomed to roam in search of the children she murdered. Two people were apparently killed execution-style on this road and their spirits have been seen and have also caused fatal car... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
Note: California Haunted Houses would like to remind all Haunt Seekers to be respectful of Cemeteries & Grave Sites when visiting.