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Agua Mansa Pioneer Cemetery - Colton CA Real Haunt

  • 2001 E. Agua Mansa Rd.
  • Colton, CA
  • (909) 370-2091
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Locals tell the story of a beautiful woman who drowned her six children years ago, and that she now haunts the area around this cemetery. She is known in Hispanic Legend as La Llorona, or the Weeping Woman, doomed to roam in search of the children she murdered. Two people were apparently killed execution-style on this road and their spirits have been seen and have also caused fatal car accidents.
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  • what's up with the house across the street??

    My hubby is sensitive so I drove him to the cemetery at night of course. He asked questions about the house across the street because what ever is there at the house is pretty much evil and haunted. Anybody know any info about it? I tried looking online but didn't find anything. 696 agua mansa rd is the house address. it's abandoned with a fence up around it. Let me know info if you have it please.

    Posted 8/29/24

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  • Can anyone tell me about the baca family curse

    My family is very large as most typical Spanish families. There's are hundreds to thousands of us. Well my family legend is that back in when Colton was founded we were one of the first families, the land had been cursed and when a witch doctor was brought out to remove it. The curse was put on the family lineage. Normally idk if I'd believe this but every single person in my family has dealt with multiple health issues, suicides, severe depression,any many many many divorces we don't have any successful marriages. I'm just curious to learn more about it if anyone has any info please feel free to email me baca.mel.05@gmail

    Posted 7/17/24

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  • I saw her in colton

    Saw her in Colton couple blocks from agua mansa at 3am. Floating in a white dress with fog like around her . Froze me from fear. My friend saw her too . He too froze and couldn't run.

    Posted 3/17/24

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  • I thought I was going crazy

    Like the story above me I was driving down rancho and while crossing the intersection with agua mansa a ghostly figure in a white gown/dress floated above and through my car. My wife was with me and we where both in awe

    Posted 10/19/22

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  • Wow

    I don’t know if those stories about the people who got killed are true but I do know that something that looked like a big giant spirit, went on my car while driving down that road in the middle of the night and blocked out all of the windows. So, if any other cars were on the road I could have crashed. I definitely think something was trying to make me and the 4 others in my car crash. Everyone saw what I saw and we all still don’t know what the hell it was.

    Posted 10/11/22

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Last edit to this listing: 5/20/2016 (3232 days ago)

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