
Adelaida Cemetery - Real Haunted Place

  • Adelaida Cemetery
  • Paso Robles, CA
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Stories say that the ghosts who haunt this cemetery may swipe your car keys. The area is rumored to be haunted by Charlotte Sitton, a minister's wife who committed suicide in 1890 when she was just 19 years old. Her spirit is said to visit late Friday nights wearing a white nightgown. She lays flowers on the grave of her child, who died of diphtheria. In some versions of the story, Charlotte wears a pink dress and is called the Pink Lady. The cemetery is also said to feature a tree that bleeds. Please note: This cemetery closes at dusk and no trespassing is allowed after dark.
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  • Goin To Adelaidia ToDay Wish Me Luck

    I have always loved the paranormal since I was a little girl back in Bakersfeild and luckly for me my house was haunted even now as a adult I still love the spirt world even more then the living and history has always been my favorite subject I spend most if not all my life in antique shops and museums even as a little girl I practically lived at the antique shop called Grannys Trunk when I was a little girl I loved the old book smell as soon as I walked in but when I was feeling sad I just sat on there back stairs the ladies that worked there where always so kind to me even if some people in life where not very kind after I moved to Oregon from Bakersfeild they turned that antique shop into a barbur shop I was heartbroken when I found out but I guess thats life so you see history was made for me to explore now as a adult I am back in California where I belong

    Posted 11/5/23

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  • This place is real. Really f@#$ing haunted.

    I used to live in Atascadero California back in the 2000's. One day I had a week day off from work and decided to drive around the back roads of Paso Robles. While driving around, I entered the creepy town of Adelaida. It look like a ghost town right from the beginning. Old tools, wheel barrels and such was sprawled out as if everyone left the town all at once. After a few minutes of winding roads, I pass the Adelaida cemetery. I decided since I had the time, I would pull off and pay my respects. I had only been there a few minutes and right away I noticed something odd. Now remember I am in the middle of nowhere. I walk into the the graveyard and notice fresh flowers. It was almost 100 degrees outside so who ever left these flowers was still here or they would be wilting from the direct sunlight and no water. So if that wasn't odd enough, the flowers were ONLY on children's graves. ONLY. After noticing this, I immediately felt like I was being watched. I soon decided screw this, time to leave. I walked to my car, got in the driver's seat and "click click click." The car was dead. I was then stuck there for 4 hours after which my car decided to finally turn over. Afterwards that car would never run the same again. I had it diagnosed and looked over multiple times and no one could ever find anything wrong with it. Fin.

    Posted 5/1/23

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  • Crazy

    My sister, a friend and I went on a Friday night to see if we could see the Lady in White thinking it was fake. We were by her child’s grave one night and saw a white figure coming towards us. We’ve also heard all sorts of noises and voices throughout the cemetery.

    Posted 1/1/21

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,211
Last edit to this listing: 4/27/2016 (3255 days ago)

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