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Vineyard House - Coloma CA Real Haunted Places

  • 530 Cold Springs Rd.
  • Coloma, CA
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This property is said to be haunted by its original owners, Robert and Louisa Chalmers. Stories say that Robert began to show signs of mental illness, so Louisa chained him up in the basement where he eventually starved to death. Paranormal occurrences here include strange sounds, screams, apparitions and clanging heard from inside.
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  • I was pushed down the basement stairs

    Nearly 40 years ago I attended a costumed murder mystery dinner at the Vineyard House. I was a reporter for a local-ish newspaper and was there to participate and hopefully give them some nice press for future such events. We were asked to come in Victorian costume and so I was wearing a long skirt. Because of this skirt I was very careful when I decided to go from the main floor of the house to the bar in the basement below. The basement stairs were in a separate enclosed stairwell. You went through a door, closed it and then went down the stairs to a little landing below, which turned and then went a few more steps before ending at the door to the bar. I think the steps were granite but it may have been that the stairwell walls were stone…it’s been a long time and I’m not sure of this detail. What I AM sure of is that due to that skirt I had a firm hold on the handrail as I went down the stairs. Halfway down, someone or something shoved me from behind so hard that my hand was torn off the rail and I tumbled down to the landing below. Luckily I was not hurt but I was pretty stunned. That had not been a normal mis-step, I definitely had been pushed. But I was alone in the stairwell so how could that be? When I finally got to my feet and entered the bar, there was a sign near the stairwell door which gave the history of the house, including the information that Mr, Chalmers had been incarcerated in the basement. Chilling, in light of what had just happened. I am in absolutely no doubt that I was pushed. Creepy!

    Posted 5/11/24

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  • "The vibe changed at midnight" ...What?

    Ok, when I read this line "The vibe changed at midnight" I knew it was BS. ...because when it's Mid-Night in CA, it's 3am on the East Coast...it's also only 9pm in Hawaii so, I think we can safely call BS on the "Louisa" story! I'm pretty sure the "spirits" or "Ghosts" have no concept of time let alone time zones. This is a very, very old house that's been standing a LONG LONG time. It's full of creaks and cracks and all kinds of noise and settling that a house of this age with it's added on after-the-fact plumbing and electrical tend to make. There are still some original window panes in place and those less-than-perfect panes of glass can distort and alter images/reflections. Also, the fact that the whole building has settled severely over the last 120 years doesn't help with the unsettling feelings. As much as I want to believe in this...I've been to this house many a time over the last 30 years and...well...it's just a really old house from the Goldrush era of California. Has an amazing history and would make a really good movie as the facts alone are impressive...and kinda creepy. too.

    Posted 4/1/24

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  • Lived there as a kid and this is what I witnessed.

    A friend was staying with us and her dog got into my horses dewormer. Needless to say the dog died so we buried it up on the hill. Her boyfriend put a neckless with cross on the dog before we covered it up. The next morning the neckless was on the back porch. The dog’s grave was undisturbed.

    Posted 2/12/24

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  • Louisa

    I decided to go ghost hunting nearby. I arrived in the pm and there was a lot of spirit activity but it was very positive. Lots of friendly spirits who were curious as to what I was doing. The vibe changed at midnight and suddenly the spirits seemed to gather. It was like moving through a crowd at a concert. High anxiety. I felt one was hysterically trying to get away from something. I pulled out my SB-7 and turned it on. I heard sobbing and a woman's voice say "help me please" I asked for a name and got "Louisa" I'm not going to share many details but I did see shadow figures in the trees and roads. But there were many aggressive feelings so I got out. I didn't know this place was there, I didn't know who Louisa was. The next day I asked some locals about this hill and they told me it was called the Vineyard house. When I told them about the name Louisa they told me she used to live in that house and "endured many horrors but died of natural causes" so I decided to Google it and here I am. IDK I just thought it was cool.

    Posted 11/1/22

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  • This place is really creepy

    I’ve only visited the house from the outside after a friend told me it was haunted and showed it to me. I of course was intrigued and every time I drove by this house I wondered about the house and the events that caused it to be haunted until one day I talked another friend to stop there and see what we could from the grounds hopefully without getting caught by whoever owned the property. We did not see anything supernatural and never peaked through the windows or anything but there is a an uneasy feeling that you get from this beautiful place that you can’t seem to shake and an eerie feeling of being watched. I don’t know if it was just because I was younger and had already heard of the place being haunted but to this day I am still completely intrigued by it and would love to go back and tour the inside of the house and discover the truth for myself. At the same time I also remember a sense of foreboding and wonder if maybe such a place should be left alone.

    Posted 6/22/21

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  • Vineyard house ghosts

    30 years ago, I was 12 years old, when I attended a dinner party with my parents and friends. Me and 4 others, thought it would be fun to ghost hunt, so we snuck away and went hunting. We went upstairs to the rooms where the guests stay, and I began knocking on the door to a room they say is haunted by a woman, and as I obnoxiously asked "is anyone in there," I felt a tug and my bracket broke off. Everyone ran while I was left behind to clean up the beads that scattered on the floor. Afterwards, I found everyone in the basement where we could hear a faint sound of glass cups clanging together. At this point, we were all feeling a heaviness that felt like something bad was gonna happen, so we started to head back up, and as we were in front of the jail cell, the bathroom door randomly closed by itself just as we were passing it, we all darted up the stairs screaming, leaving me to be the one at the end of the line, I was literally carrying my friend up the stairs with one arm, using him to plow through everyone to get to the top as fast as I could. That night was one of the most exciting and memorable moments of my life, so much fun??

    Posted 6/18/21

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  • very disappointing

    why do they consider this house haunted? feeling it was set up and staged instead.

    Posted 7/19/19

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    1 out of 4 found this review helpful

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Visitors to this page: 4,775
Last edit to this listing: 5/6/2016 (3249 days ago)

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