
St. George Hotel - Real Haunted Place

  • 16104 Main St.
  • Volcano, CA
  • (209) 296-4458
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel is rumored to be haunted by a couple of ghosts. One is that of a young girl who is dressed in white, and another is that of a well-dressed man with a cane. Strange happenings here include lights that fade in and out, noises at night and beds that become rumpled in a minute.
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  • Awesome hidden gem!

    my wife and i got married here.. we rented out the entire hotel and cabana's for ourselves and guests. The staff are amazing and volcano is a beautiful hidden gem. My wife knew most of the staff, and the night before the wedding, i was staying overnight with my brother and a friend. Later into the night, the staff was getting ready to go home, but we were still hanging out having some drinks. They gave us the keys to the building and said to lock up when we went back to our cabanas (small town, they knew and trusted us..). Knowing the haunted history, we decided to wander around and explore. All the rooms were locked and we only had the exterior door keys, but we went up to the 3rd floor to peek at "Indian Run" which is one of the rooms always mentioned as haunted. We couldn't get in, but we sat in the common area for a bit, and sometime after midnight, we decided to head back downstairs. The staff had left a few hours prior, so we were the only 3 people in the building. My buddy missed a step and tumbled down the stairs to the second floor, and while my brother and i were laughing, all three of us heard, clear as a day, a woman's voice, sounding very concerned, ask, "is he ok?" We decided it was time to call it a night... (he was ok, nothing hurt but pride..)

    Posted 9/6/20

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Contact Phone #: (209) 296-4458

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Last edit to this listing: 5/6/2016 (3246 days ago)

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