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East 8 Mile Road - Real Haunted Place

  • East 8 Mile Road
  • Stockton, CA
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  (3 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses, Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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Yes - Open To Public
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Some that have driven along this road at night have claimed to see a woman in white standing at the side of the road. After the woman is seen, folks have looked in their rear-view mirror to find her sitting in their car's back seat. A Native American girl's apparition has also been spotted along this road.
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  • This is too creepy

    So I'm fairly new to Stockton and have a job out in the sticks and ride my bike down eight mile every morning before the sun comes up. Being new to Stockton I had never heard this story,but always feel a bit spooked riding down eight mile in the dark mainly because it looks like a scene out of a horror movie especially when the fog rolls through the orchards. So one morning I'm riding my bike as usual and I hit a stretch where no cars are passing and its pretty dark but I have a good bike light that illuminates a good 20 feet across so I can see 180° in front of me, all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye right next to me no more than ten feet is a figure, mind you I'm going like 15 mph on a bicycle, it spooked the hell out of me so I swerve into the road and almost crash. I figured it was a person wandering around probably on drugs so I didn't stop (because crazy people are scarier than ghosts) but when I looked back there was nothing but grass no sign post no nothing that could have looked like a human figure. Then I heard this story and was like what in the hell. I also have heard what sounds like females screaming but I attributed that to wildlife but now I'm not so sure. Anyway I hope the ghosts of eight mile are friendly because I have to ride to work until I can afford a car. Definitely check out this spot at like 4am when it's foggy and bring a camera because there are some really good spooky photo ops.

    Posted 3/9/25

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  • Childhood sighting

    So this was at least 15 years ago, when I was younger my vision was better than what it is now and the stores think of myself as eagle eyes you know as a kid we play around we say things like that. So there’s no mistake what I seen was crystal clear. I know I seen a woman standing in the middle of the park I know it is right next to 8 mile and I cannot forget the feeling that I had that day. I was scared she would follow me home I was scared she would find my parents I was terrified. My heart was in my throat the whole time I kept running inside to find my parents and I came back outside and she was still there she was just standing staring at the ground. I got this feeling that she was sad. She had this outfit like from like before cars were created it remind me of the women from Pirates of the Caribbean that type of outfit. My cousins my siblings and I were petrified we have never seen anything like that we all made sure to confirm that it was real we are asked each other do you see that are you seeing the same thing that I’m seeing. And we stood there for about a few minutes just staring at her I could not believe that I seen that. To this day I kind of blocked off so as I’m typing this that feeling just comes back to me. So I am typing this because I seen on Facebook they mentioned the eight my haunting And I was shocked because a part of me wants to believe it’s true I am a little skeptical I don’t really believe in ghosts but what I seen was a woman and it wasn’t a homeless person because her figure was a bit opaque.

    Posted 7/22/20

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  • Potentially Scarier Vibes further down 8mile

    Although I haven’t seen this ghost. I will say this that a girl named Stephanie Jones did die in car accident West of the mapped pinpoint just up 8 mile towards 5 by Bear Creek HS neighborhood. If you go down the opposite way on 8 mile you’ll eventually reach a right turn. Before the right turn there is a secluded older Victorian style house fenced off sketchy looking. Near the house is a bridge over a small creek. The area is considerably colder then the surrounding orchards. Very scary area feels like some sort of demonic presence weather it be witchcraft or something else.

    Posted 3/2/20

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Visitors to this page: 18,242
Last edit to this listing: 8/13/2024 (225 days ago)

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