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Griswold's Old School House - Real Claremont Haunt

  • W. Foothill Blvd.
  • Claremont, CA
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  (3 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Colleges
Open To Public
Yes - Open To Public
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Once Griswold's Old School House, this building has been transformed into multiple shops. Paranormal reports here include the disembodied voices of ghostly children, a white mist, doors that open on their own and an uneasy feeling of being watched.
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  • Thats the haunted part!

    It was 800 p.m. and I walked through the main walkway of the top floor of the old school house. I was walking alone toward a door that was sitting east. When opened, the door led to the top of several flights of stairs. The staircase is beautiful with ornate iron and thick wood banisters. As I walked down the stairs I had the distint feeling I was not alone. Traditionally, I love the architecture of older buildings and the mystery that surrounds them. But, as I came to the final flight of stairs I felt some fear, enough to where I had a little skip in my pace. Probably nothing, but I will go a different route next time. Lets not tempt fate.

    Posted 7/26/18

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  • Things Change, but sometimes stay the same

    Went to Don Salsas a handful of times since we live up the street a ways; never noticed anything out of the ordinary, just about how the site used to be where Claremont High School was located until it was found (as far as school safety goes) not up to earthquake code. The site has changed in the last 20 years; Don Salsas is now another restaurant, there is a Chase bank branch in the building that replaced the 1st Savings and Loan (The original site had asbestos), and the old hotel is being replaced by condos.

    Posted 7/15/18

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  • Made the Hair Stand up on the back of my Neck

    Our family used to love going to Don Salsas for Sunday brunch. After eating we would visit the shops. One day we were in the store called Merlin s Crystal Cave when it became very cold and chilly. Made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. In the corner where the books were a mist appeared and my 5 year old daughter wispered "Momma, why is that little girl crying"? All I saw was the mist, and I felt the icy cold, but no sound. Needless to say, we left in a hurry.

    Posted 11/5/17

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Last edit to this listing: 12/5/2017 (2668 days ago)

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