
Haunted Hall of Horrors Reviews

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  • 428 N. Main Street
  • Fort Bragg, CA
  • 707-961-1727
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Ages 12+
Organization Type
Charity / NOT For Profit
Listing Categories
Haunted Houses
Review This Haunt
  • Email Verified Backstage Tour

    I got the backstage tour because I was too much of a baby to go through the actual haunt. I was impressed by all the craftsmanship that went into it. I was a little frightened even with the lights on and no cast members. I also had the privilege of photographing the cast members. The make up was outstanding! Well done!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

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  • Email Verified Always a must see Haunt

    Everyone gives it their all!!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Wonderful Creation!

    Thank you so much for this wonderful creation!!! I know there was a lot of time and trouble put into it. And the energy those actors show is awesome!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Fantastic Haunted House!

    On Friday night, four of us (all grown adults) had the honor of being the first group to go through the Leo Club’s Haunted Hall of Horrors. Being seasoned horror film fans, we didn’t have high hopes of being truly frightened. How surprised were we to find ourselves screaming and jumping our way through the attraction?! Kudos to everyone who worked on this—from beginning to end, it was frightful and impressive. If you’re on the fence, go! You won’t be disappointed. The fact that it’s also a fundraiser is just icing on the cake. (Not sure how long it will be before I’m able to sleep with my feet outside the covers again—spoiler alert!)

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful


    The details of each room and maze were AMAZING! The 3D glasses really made the walls and decorations come to life. It was very scary and well done!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2015

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Backstage Tour

    I got the backstage tour because I was too much of a baby to go through the actual haunt. I was impressed by all the craftsmanship that went into it. I was a little frightened even with the lights on and no cast members. I also had the privilege of photographing the cast members. The make up was outstanding! Well done!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

  • Email Verified Always a must see Haunt

    Everyone gives it their all!!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Wonderful Creation!

    Thank you so much for this wonderful creation!!! I know there was a lot of time and trouble put into it. And the energy those actors show is awesome!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Fantastic Haunted House!

    On Friday night, four of us (all grown adults) had the honor of being the first group to go through the Leo Club’s Haunted Hall of Horrors. Being seasoned horror film fans, we didn’t have high hopes of being truly frightened. How surprised were we to find ourselves screaming and jumping our way through the attraction?! Kudos to everyone who worked on this—from beginning to end, it was frightful and impressive. If you’re on the fence, go! You won’t be disappointed. The fact that it’s also a fundraiser is just icing on the cake. (Not sure how long it will be before I’m able to sleep with my feet outside the covers again—spoiler alert!)

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful


    The details of each room and maze were AMAZING! The 3D glasses really made the walls and decorations come to life. It was very scary and well done!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2015

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

Haunted Hall of Horrors
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