
Wolfe Manor - Real Haunt in Clovis CA

  • Clovis Ave.
  • Clovis, CA
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This manor was originally known as The Andrews Estate in 1922 and later was the Hazelwood Sanitarium in 1935 and the Clovis Avenue Sanitarium in 1942. At Hazelwood, patients were treated with terminal illnesses such as tuberculosis and at Clovis Avenue, patients were treated with mental illness, and reports say the conditions were quite terrible. The sanitarium closed down shortly after and was purchased around 2000 to reportedly be made into a Halloween attraction, but there seemed to be an obvious eerie presence of some sort. Paranormal groups and TV shows have investigated the area and have captured footsteps, voices and photographs of the activity. The manor was featured on TV's Ghost Hunters but has since been demolished.
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  • Terrifying...

    If you're a "Medium" who is approached by spirits in line at the local Walmart, this was NOT the place for you... There was not one square cubic inch of airspace at Wolf Manor that wasn't occupied by a spirit. And, these were not "happy spirits," they were dead having died under horrible circumstances. I literally grabbed onto the jacket of the person in front of me, a stranger, in an attempt to hide from the paranormal assault that was, literally, all around me. I don't know anyone else who has the same experiences I do with leftover spirits, so yes. Before it was torn down I would definitely tell friends to "GO THERE" just to feel them out on what happened the next time we spoke. OK, that's kind of rude. But, I survived. I wet my pants, but I did survive.

    Posted 8/10/22

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  • Seriously haunted

    I went there for the haunted house in October 2001 at the age of 18. I’ve been to a lot of haunted houses and have never been scared. As soon as I went in this one I started shaking like I was freezing but I couldn’t control the shaking. Something felt VERY wrong and as soon as I set foot in the upstairs ( because you’d entered through the upstairs on the outside stairs ) all I could think about was getting out. I would call it unsettling but that would be an understatement. There was something dark, chaotic and just incredibly wrong in that house and at almost 40 now I’m still haunted by what I experienced there.

    Posted 7/28/22

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  • Memeroies of summerday's

    My family working across the street from Wolf Manor on Clovis Ave. picking boysenberries during the summers of late 60's early 70's. At a young age we had no ideal it was hunted at time, always looking at this big house while working and one day my younger sister and I saw some children's playing in the yard so one day we would go play with them during our lunch breaks. Never knew they where ghost. I remember the little girl with the doll dress in vintage clothing era and a black boy with older man watching us playing , Heard my parents was yelling looking for us to go back to work. I turn around to say we had to go and heard a door close and they where gone. Only when we see them outside would go play. That my memories of Wolf manor as a child. I wish the city of Clovis never demolish the Wolf manor is part of Clovis history and mines memories. I found out later on my birth records I was born in a Clovis Sanitarium hospital. How odd this can get?

    Posted 11/1/17

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Last edit to this listing: 5/6/2016 (3246 days ago)

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