• California Edition •



Keddie Resort - Keddie CA Real Haunt

  • 28 Keddie Resort Road
  • Keddie , CA
The Keddie Resort is well known for the murders that took place there inside Cabin #28. The murders took place in April of 1981 - claiming the lives of victims Sue Sharp, Tina Louise Sharp, John Steven Sharp, and Dana Hall Wingate.

According to the infamous murder's Wikipedia page, on April 12th, Sue's daughter found her body along with John and Dana's after arriving home from a sleep over. All three victims had been bound with electrical cords and medical tape.

Tina's body had not been found until April of 1984 after a bottle collector discovered the cranium portion of a human skull and part of a mandible at Camp 18 in Butte County. Two months later, a forensic pathologist confirmed the remains were Tina's.

Some of the eerie reports that have taken place here include chairs moving on their own and writing that appears on the walls.
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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 27
Last edit to this listing: 1/25/2025 (47 days ago)

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