
Hotel Niles - Alturas CA Real Haunt

  • 304 S. Main St.
  • Alturas, CA
  • (530) 233-3773
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This historic hotel dates back to 1908 when it was originally built for residents of the growing town. The hotel has narrowly escaped demolishment and is believed to be one of California's haunted locations. The hotel is said to have a resident ghost who is believed to be a former prostitute who was murdered at the hotel. She has been spotted wandering around the upper floors and has even been known to hop into bed with male guests!
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    I was there visiting my sister (she had a work trip) visited the hotel restaurant and we decided to explore the hotel. We both felt super spooked!!! We were looking at the hotel pictures and both spotted one that gave us chills. I asked her “point out which person stands out to you in the picture” we both pointed to the SAME lady and instantly ran out of the hotel! This hotel is haunted hands down!

    Posted 1/9/25

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  • Really weird feeling in upstairs hallway

    Recently got a brief tour with one of the staff, and in one of the upstairs hallways I got a really creeped out feeling, like a presence. I instantly got goosebumps and the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I knew nothing of the history of this hotel and had no idea it was haunted and didn’t want to sound crazy, so I didn’t mention it. When I got home I looked it up on the internet, and sure enough, people had stories and it is allegedly haunted! Wow.

    Posted 11/8/24

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  • Friendly Pranksters!

    I've had a few visits while I worked there. Most nights I was the only person there, in short, door slamming hard, lol scared the @&*+ outta me, sensor paper towel dispenser rolling paper out, and someone sat on bed down by my feet, twice, I left work that night 3-4 hours early!! I have a couple strange pictures!

    Posted 4/25/22

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Heavy booted footsteps.

    In about 2003-2004 I was working as a service tech/inspector. The Niles was one of my regular customers. One morning I stopped for service and to talk to the owners. I stopped in the kitchen before heading upstairs. There was an employee that informed me that the owners were out for the morning and to go ahead and do what I needed to do. I went upstairs to perform my inspection and verified that nobody was upstairs. The upstairs floors were uNdergoing some renovations At the time and some walls were opened up So it was pretty open. I went back down stairs to finished up and complete my paperwork. I heard what sounded like heavy booted feet stomping around upstairs and then on the stairway going down stairs. I was just up there and knew for a fact that nobody was there and the employee was still working in the kitchen and confirmed that he had also heard it and we were still the only ones in the building. Never got a chance to talk to the owners as this was the last time I visited the Niles

    Posted 9/6/20

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Haunted Niles Hotel Experience

    I was at hotel niles at night at a party, I went upstairs with some of my best friends. I was looking around till all of a sudden I felt like I was being...watched or followed there was one room I felt very afraid of. Though of knowing this building was haunted. I saw gun shots in the walls and I didn’t know that a former prostitute had been murdered here.

    Posted 2/23/20

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    6 out of 8 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 5/6/2016 (3246 days ago)

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