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The Scream Zone

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  (2 reviews)
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Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Haunted Houses, Haunted Hay Rides, Scream Parks
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Snacks & Refreshments, Outdoor Event(s), Indoor Event(s), Touching Not Allowed, Free Parking
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Your favorites are back: the horrifying House of Horror, the dizzying KarnEvil, and the Haunted Hayride, each casting its evil spell on the Del Mar Fairgrounds. New this year is Zombie Boot Camp! Learn how to survive the Zombie Apocalypse with this rough and tumble basic training course.

The Scream Zone is assembled from a collection of body parts and roughly stitched together into four terrifying haunts and other monstrous attractions.

Scaredy Cats are welcome to enter The Scream Zone compound at no charge if you want to wait for your children or hang with your friends but are too scared to enter the haunts. There are lots of things for you to do and see, including great food vendors, photo opportunities and our Spirit Lounge bar.


The House of Horror:
The House of Horror features room after room of frightening and surprising visual and visceral experiences. Imagine being trapped and moved by a bevy of clowns or shaken, rattled and upended so that you don’t know where or who you are within utter darkness!

The Haunted Hayride:
The Haunted Hayride piles visitors into a wagon with an unknown destination. Ride through the darkness terrified and filled with hallucinations, including Wicked Alice in Horrendous-land and a trip through the Rabbit Hole as part of the hair-raising ride through a Never, Never Land of creepy and petrifying clowns, zombies and other wicked characters.

KarnEvil is everything carnival and freak show, including the weird and surreal trailer park of clowns and a death spiral that leaves visitors disoriented and terrified.

The Running Dead:
The first of its kind and only one in the country, The Running Dead is a 30,000 square foot unique obstacle course challenge that puts the participants agility, coordination, reflexes, and speed to the test.

Participants literally run for their lives from brain-eating, blood-sucking Zombies while competing against the clock and their friends as they climb, crawl, scramble, and run around, over, up, and under a wide variety of ghoulish obstacles and creepy passages.
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of The Scream Zone
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Recent Reviews

  • All of Greg defatta attractions

    Horrible not scary more comedy perfect for kids under 8 over priced should be around $10-15.00 not almost $100.00!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted July 2020

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  • You won't be terrified but you'll have fun

    Scream zone is a pro haunted house located in Del Mar, California. There are three attractions which include "The Chamber, House of Horror, and Haunted Hayride." None of the attractions have back stories and its basically random jump outs and the occasional "Help me's". The makeup in these haunts are VERY good ...well except for the Clowns. The haunt does have good sets which I think is more important then big props (which they didn't have many of). Hayride was really meant for little kids. You go through scenes such as "Hill Billy Town" and "Clown Village." The chamber was basically a maze. One room, a maze, and then two rooms. This did feature the spinning tunnel. Scream Zone is not the place to scream but the place to hang out with your friends. I think ages 3+ can handle ALL of the mazes.

    Posted October 2011

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    2 out of 3 found this review helpful

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