
The Legend of Boot Hill

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  (2 reviews)
Scare Factor
Moderately Scary
Appropriate For
All Ages
Organization Type
Charity / NOT For Profit
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Boot Hill rises from the fog for it's 17th year to haunt the residence at 16 Goldenrod in Irvine, California. The unearthly spirits from the Old West town of Bridgewood will materialize for EIGHT haunting nights, transforming the residence at 16 Goldenrod into the old church and cemetary that once occupied this hallowed ground.

Come if you dare... but beware the ghost of Jedediah Smith, as he has been known to roam the decaying grounds of Boot Hill, exacting revenge on all who cross his path!
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of The Legend of Boot Hill
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Boot Hill is located just off of E. Yale Loop and Springbrook.

Recent Reviews

  • Great for a yard haunt!

    Boothill is NOT a full-blown haunted house. It is however, an elaborate walk-though yard haunt and it's done extremely well. It's fun and will get a rise out of you although it may REALLY SCARE little children. Absolutely worth checking out!! PS: I honestly wish Boothill would take their yard haunt to the next level. It could be a great, large-scale attraction in Orange County!!

    Posted July 2013

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  • Pretty Cool

    For its small size, Legend of Boot Hill is a fairly decent haunt. They have some cool effects; a floating lantern, a projection in the window of an altercation between 2 gentlemen, and a scrim effect. The decorating is pretty good. The 2 people scaring did a decent job, though their level of energy could have been better, but it might have been due to the fact that it was near the end of the night. I give it a 3/5. Good haunt!

    Posted June 2008

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

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